Taliban control 90% of Afghanistan’s boundaries. Kabul Defense Ministry: “It’s an outright falsehood”

Benjamin Richards
2 min readJul 23, 2021


“The boundaries with Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Iran are heavily influenced by us,” ZabioullaMoudjakhed, an agent of the revolutionaries, told the Russian news office Ria Novosti. The Taliban as of late has sped up military activities to recapture ground in the country, related to the withdrawal of unfamiliar soldiers.

“It’s an outright falsehood.” Kabul Defense Minister Fawad Aman reacted with inconvenience. Government powers control the nation’s boundaries, the pastor demanded, along these lines denying the assertions made yesterday by the dissidents’ agent to the Russian press organizations. “It is unwarranted publicity,” said the representative of a similar priest. The Taliban, as of late, has sped up military activities to recover ground in the country after the withdrawal of US-drove unfamiliar soldiers.

The Taliban these days are assaulting the public authority powers with their civilian armies. They figured out how to control practically all boundary intersections, showing that they have a thoroughly examined military arrangement. The Taliban delegate affirmed that in arrangements with the Kabul government, the gathering is requesting the arrival of around 7,000 detainees of war whom they consider “political detainees.”

They additionally need to change the Constitution embraced during the American presence, which they think about excessively “Western.” So all things considered, they propose to return to a 1964 Constitution. And afterward they began discussing “power-sharing,” about the division of government posts with the current political powers.

The public authority of Kabul, and a significant number of its Western allies, react by requesting clearness on the Taliban’s solicitations: “We need a record with your solicitations to begin the dealings.” That ought to permit the Kabul government to see how to arrange.

In the interim, a secret gathering of some “unique emissaries” for Afghanistan was held in Rome, a strategic organization that in these 20 years of NATO nations’ quality in Kabul has went with political conversations at each phase of the nation’s life. It was the principal meeting since the American withdrawal from the public authority. On the conversation table at the Foreign Ministry, the issues arising with the tactical offensives of the Taliban were obvious. For quite a long time, the “Islamic understudies” have started to escape government powers from numerous nation areas.

In the wake of choosing to close the “Undaunted Support” activity, the NATO mission, the Atlantic Alliance, or more all, the United States has a standing issue. Biden organization needs to respond to that, not exclusively to the issues made by the withdrawal of its military starting from the earliest stage.

Zalmay Khalilzad, Biden’s agent for Afghan “compromise,” got the point of view of his NATO partners toward the beginning of the day. Present were Italy, France, Germany, Great Britain, Norway (which has a specific interceding job in Afghanistan). In the early evening, a meeting was held. Notwithstanding the arbiter of Qatar, Ambassador Al Qathtani, a delegate of the Taliban and one of the administrations of Kabul, talked by video meeting.



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