Morocco has the biggest military exercise at any point led by the US in Africa

Benjamin Richards
4 min readJun 19, 2021


The biggest military exercise at any point led by the United States of America on the African landmass. General Andrew Rohling, officer of the US military for Southern Europe and Africa depicted African Lion 2021, the maxi-joint movement that began in Morocco on Monday 7 June and will end today.

With more than 7,800 military staff, 21 contender planes, 46 vehicle airplane, 100 land-based weighty vehicles, and a few maritime units from nine nations (notwithstanding the United States and Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia, Italy, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Brazil, and Canada), the immediate commitment of NATO and 21 “worldwide eyewitnesses” (African Union, Burkina Faso, Chad, Denmark, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Gabon, Djibouti, Jordan, Kenya, Libya, Malta, Mauritania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, and Qatar), African Lion was dispatched during an authority function at Agadir airbase.

African Lion 2021 is a yearly joint and worldwide exercise coordinated by the Command of US Africom and is a superb illustration of the drawn out responsibility of the United States of America to Africa, a mainland that is considered to be of key significance. Remarked General Stephen Townsend, at the top of the US Armed Forces Command for procedure on the landmass. It is firmly connected to the arrangement of activities called Defender of the US Command in Europe to counter the dangers to security in North Africa and Southern Europe and to expand interoperability between the US and African military and worldwide accomplices to protect the region. from foe military hostility.

“This activity is about our and our accomplices’ operational status,” General Townsend added. “It gives the chance to shared learning by the United States and African partners, reinforcing aggregate endeavors for more noteworthy security and solidness across the area.” Also, as per the General Command of US Africom, African Lion 21 incorporates a progression of flying activities with besieging activities, block attempts, and airborne refueling in flight, in addition to some maritime exercises between the US and Morocco off the Atlantic coast.

“Minor activities are likewise in progress with the airplane accessible to the Air Force Global Strike Command (F-16 Fighting Falcon warriors, C-130J Super Hercules transport airplane, and KC-135 Strat tankerrefuelling airplane), more different paratrooper dispatch exercises”, reports US Africom. The conflict games program given by the Moroccan military to the public press office MAP is more definite. “The goals of African Lion 2021 are various: fortifying the moving abilities of taking part units and arranging and directing joint tasks inside an alliance; the improvement of strategies, methods, and techniques; the advancement of digital safeguard procedures; preparing of the air segment in leading the assault, backing, and refueling; combination in the space of sea security; directing activities adrift in the field of maritime strategies and regular fighting “, reports the MAP organization. “It incorporates, as well as preparing and reproductions of order exercises in the battle against psychological militant associations, land, air, ocean and atomic, radiological, organic and substance purification exercises”. At long last, a joint mediation (common military) is arranged with the development of an emergency clinic unit in Amlen (Tafraout) for the neighborhood populaces with specialists and medical caretakers from the Moroccan military and the US Army.

The topographical region engaged with the global exercise is exceptionally huge: it influences practically the entirety of Morocco, from the Kenitra airbase in the north of the country to the focal locale of Agadir and Ben Guérir and in the desert district of Tafraout, up toward the southern areas of Tiznit and Tan-Tan and in the incredible military polygon of Grier Labouihi. Strategic military exercises have additionally been arranged in Senegal and Tunisia.

A critical piece of Africa Lion is additionally occurring in the previous Spanish Sahara, the huge region involved in 1976 by the military of Morocco, in rebellion of worldwide law. In particular, this is the Mahbès region, exceptionally near the hyper mobilized “divider” based on the line with Algeria, around forty kilometers via air from the desert locale of Tindouf where the displaced person camps managed by the battling Polisario Front are found. for the freedom of the Sahrawi public. In Mahbes, specifically, the US military is trying the HIMRAS various rocket dispatch framework, which has an operational scope of 300 kilometers, in fire works out. Mahbes is likewise the location of US and Moroccan parachutes and attack troops.

The head administrator of the North African realm, Salah Eddine Othmani, certified that the incorporation of the Saharan locale in African Lion 2021 addresses the US acknowledgment of the sway of Morocco in Western Sahara. It should be said that was Republican President Donald Trump who pronounced himself for the Moroccan extension of the previous Spanish settlement, half a month prior to going out.



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