Kabul is in bedlam: the Taliban have encircled the Afghani capital

Benjamin Richards
2 min readAug 17, 2021


The Taliban entered Kabul and encompassed it. They have assumed responsibility for the University in the western piece of the city. All things considered, they guarantee that they won’t utilize power in the focal point of the capital and arrange a “serene progress of force” in the official castle. In the conflicts on the edges of the city, be that as it may, there are somewhere around 40 injured.

Meanwhile, the government offices staff in Kabul and the outsiders present in Afghanistan have started to empty. Supposedly, the takeoff of the flight is planned for 21.30 nearby time. For the present, “conciliatory post” is affirmed at Kabul air terminal, albeit the appraisal is continually refreshed dependent on the circumstance on the ground.

The Afghan president, Ashraf Ghani, asked the security powers to keep control yet left and traveled to Tajikistan. As per bits of hearsay from some worldwide media, including Reuters and Al Arabia, the previous inside serve, Ali Ahmad Jalali, will lead the progress government after Ghani’s acquiescence. In any case, two Taliban authorities revealed that there will be no temporary government and that the extremists anticipate an absolute exchange of force. “The exchange will be tranquil,” the Taliban guaranteed, and soon after that, affirmation from the Afghan government’s Ministry of the Interior likewise showed up.

The United States is emptying all staff from the government office in Kabul; a couple of authorities will stay functional at the Afghan capital air terminal. The continuous clearing tasks are relied upon to wrap up by Tuesday morning. Russia, which has mentioned a critical gathering of the UN Security Council, has rather spread the word about it that it won’t clear its government office. In Kabul, there are scenes of frenzy. The specialists have requested that all authorities leave their working environments and get back, shops and banks close, individuals attempt to escape even via vehicle, and weighty gridlocks incapacitate traffic.

The Bagram airbase, the principle focus of the hostile against the Taliban for a very long time and a month prior quickly deserted by the Americans, was given over to the extremists. The fast development of the circumstance occurred under 24 hours after the proclamation by Pentagon representative John Kirby that the Afghan capital was not confronting an “inescapable danger.”

While the progress is in progress in the official royal residence, a few senior Afghan authorities, including a few counselors to President Ghani, have shown up in the VIP parlor of Kabul air terminal hanging tight for a flight. Addressing the BBC interestingly since the Taliban’s entrance into Kabul, an extremist representative guaranteed that there will be a “quiet change of forces in a couple of days” and that ladies’ privileges, including schooling, will be regarded.”

