Iran applauds the triumph of Joe Biden

Benjamin Richards
2 min readNov 26, 2020


Days after media outlets appointed Joe Biden as the next U.S. president, there were rumours that Iran was pursuing nuclear program-related action. It also seemed that Iran welcomed the victory of Biden. In Iran, the influence of Joe Biden’s election tends to be greater than that of Trump in Iran. In expectation of a more liberal approach towards Iran, Rouhani, meanwhile, welcomed Biden.

After the signing of a nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers in 2015, many Iranians’ dreams for a better future were dashed three years after US President Donald Trump left the historic deal alone.

Biden’s popularity and his new vision for Iran have been embraced by the Islamic State of Iran. The full extent of Iran’s interference in US presidential elections is not yet known, but one dirty tactic involved sending threatening emails to “Trump supporters” voters in Florida and Arizona has been confirmed, video shows Iranian thieves suspected to be sending illegal ballot papers in absentia using stolen voting data, and the Director of National Intelligence warned that Iran had obtained a vote da.

Celebrating Biden’s win, Rouhani said it was a precious opportunity for the United States to correct its mistakes in the past. In the face of significant economic hardship, the statement may be viewed as a trick by the regime to ease the pressure on the Iranian people.

On the other side, Joe Biden said that if Iran came to terms with conformity and peace, he would restore the Iran nuclear agreement. It welcomed the aspiration of Iran to have a US president who treated them kindly. Meanwhile, Israeli President Netanyahu has made it clear that the nuclear deal with Iran, which threatens the survival of Israel, cannot be restored.

Biden said the strategy of ‘big leverage’ had failed and insisted that it had contributed to escalating tensions, with the coalition denying that Iran was now more likely than before Trump took office to have a nuclear weapon. If Iran complied, he said he would enter the agreement but would not lift sanctions until it did so. In order to resolve the concerns, Mr Biden will begin negotiations.

Although Iran and Russia have repeatedly been accused of attempting to intervene in the US elections earlier this month, this has been unsuccessful. The election was held and Joe Biden won it. As they welcomed Biden’s triumph, Iran came out of nowhere and entered a state of ecstasy.

They hope that he will be able to withstand the pressures Trump has put on him that have triggered the economic downturn in Iran. Meanwhile, with the withdrawal of the Iran nuclear agreement with major powers in 2018, Trump’s stance towards Iran has been harsh and ruthless.

