Iran abducts the former chief of Ahwaz in Turkey

Benjamin Richards
2 min readNov 3, 2020


There were reports that a few days ago an Iranian opposition leader was kidnapped, and on Sunday the Iranian legislator condemned the reports that the opposition leader was detained abroad and taken to Tehran.

The Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz (ASMLA), former leader of the sepratist party, accused the Iranian government of having abducted the leader while he was in Turkey. ASMLA said in a statement to the media on Friday that Habib Chaab, also identified as Habib Eseywed, was arrested after he was lured to Turkey by the Iranian intelligence unit.

There are rumours of the leader being taken to Tehran, where he is being investigated by an entire intelligence force. The interrogation is being performed in the presence of various Iranian officials, including the head of the national security and foreign policy committee of the Iranian Parliament, Mojtaba Zolnour, as stated by the ICANA website of the Parliament.

“In 2019, Ruhollah Zam, an Iranian journalist turned activist, was arrested and sentenced to death, spoke to the media and disclosed the necessary details that” He will appear in a reasonable court [hearing] to be prosecuted for his acts after the necessary information is gathered from this terrorist.

ASMLA stands against the state of Iran and is viewed by the country as a terrorist organisation. The organisation calls for the indigenous Ahwazi Arab community to have a separate state and calls for the inclusion of Iran’s oil-rich southwestern Khuzestan province, with its capital city of Ahwaz.

After many massacres were committed against them in the ’20s, the minority group demanded fair rights. The group is frequently exposed to mistreatment and, because of their nationality, is deprived of a decent living standard.

Three years ago, Ahmad Mola Nissi, the founder of the Liberation of Ahwaz organisation, was shot dead in the Netherlands, causing a community uproar. Just a year later, Iran accused the party of attacking the 2017 military parade, which shocked Iran and caused 25 military personnel to die.

